Romy Riemersma

Romy Riemersma

Faculty of Science | University council 2021-2023

Romy will be a member of the University Council starting September 2021 Romy Riemersma has been a member of Utrecht University ever since she started her Bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 2013.

Linge Li

Linge Li

Faculty of Science | University Council 2021-2023

Linge will be a member of the University Council starting September 2021 Linge Li is a PhD candidate from the Institute of Environmental Biology, Science faculty. She is a tomato researcher who studie

Anne van Veen

Anne van Veen

Faculty of Science | University Council 2019-2021

I first entered Utrecht University back in 2003 as a Interdisciplinary Social Science student, returned in 2010 for a masters at the Humanities department and came back again in 2016 to the Natural Sc

Lieke Schrijvers

Lieke Schrijvers

Faculty of Humanities | University Council 2019-2021

My academic background is in gender studies and religious studies. At Utrecht University I started my PhD in 2016, after graduating from the research master in Gender & Ethnicity. I am currently a

Iris Yuping Ren

Iris Yuping Ren

Faculty of Science | University Council 2019-2021

From April 2021 until August 2021, Iris replaces Anne as University Council member.   2012 is the first time I came to Utrecht University for a short summer school of two weeks. Five years later,


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